Executive & Dignitary Protection
DPSG Brings A Wealth Of Experience To Planning For The Security Needs of Executives, Dignitaries & More
Our Scope of Operations:

High-prolife public figures and business owners/executives face challenges daily. Worrying about their personal security should not be necessary, but today it must take priority. DPSG has the experience and personnel to secure offices, homes, and provide bodyguards and protective travel coverage for:
– Business Owners
– Executives
– Key Personnel
– Couriers
– Politicians
– Foreign Officials
Executives & Officials Can Concentrate On Business Operations While DPSG Focuses on Security:
DPSG knows how difficult it can be to attempt to concentrate on operational details of your company or project when you have nagging thoughts about personal security in the back of your mind. That is why we exist – to put you at ease to perform your best and remove as much stress from each situation as possible.
“At a recent campaign stop we had an issue where the Presidential candidate would be wading through a large, unplanned crowd. Our route had to be altered quickly, and we needed direct protection as a precaution. DPSG personnel were there and able to immediately determine a safe route all while maintaining the candidate’s ability to meet the public.”
We will conduct the necessary planning, site surveys, personnel reviews, itinerary summaries, and more so you can keep your mind on the business at hand. DPSG personnel can blend into the background so as not to disturb you as you go about your day.
If an issue arises, we will deal with the threat as required. With contingency plans in place we will isolate our protectees, staff and others as deemed appropriate, or remove you from the premises entirely – quickly and quietly. Our uniformed and plainclothes private investigators have the background to assess, and correct threatening situations.
Politicians & Foreign Officials:
Political campaigns and visiting dignitaries pose significantly greater issues because the general public is typically aware of their presence and, in some cases, there are organized protests in advance of visits. It is crucial to have DPSG review all plans, and place security personnel with the subjects.
We not only lay the groundwork for the advance operations, but also provide constant personal security for candidates and dignitaries. We can respond with rapid, military-style resistance to any physical threat.
Homes, Offices, Hotel Rooms, and Event Venues:
Every type of location requires different preparation for comprehensive security. DPSG will work with clients to obtain the proper level of security at any location while still maintaining a budget. Any single location presents its own security challenges. What we attempt to do is clear locations, evaluate potential problems, alleviate them, and prepare for various contingencies. All of this planning and focus purposefully designed to keep clients safe.
We ask that clients ask themselves – what is your life worth, your family? If you were incapacitated for months would your company be able to continue? In our experience we have seen what a lack of security planning and execution can invite. Our recommendations will be thoughtful, carefully planned, and our clients are always included in the loop, so everyone is on the same page.
With DPSG you will know what to expect, when, and who will be safeguarding you.
Maintaining Confidentiality:
Our private investigators handle a wide range of high profile security cases. Contact DPSG in Charlotte, North Carolina to conduct evaluations and provide security relating to:
- Live Events
- Corporate Espionage
- Executive & Dignitary Protection
- Stalkers
- Residential and Commercial Properties
- Personal Security
Protecting Our Clients:
We also provide investigative services. We are experts in conducting background checks, criminal defense, subject tracking, surveillance and more.