Special Events
DPSG Has Coordinated Security For Many Special Events, Keeping Participants Safe
Special Events Encompass A Range Of Needs:

Special Events carry a multitude of risks from unknown sources. DPSG has the depth and knowledge to counter any problems before they arise by examining and providing:
– Transportation
– Accommodations
– Security Escort
– Front Door Concierge Security
– Vetting Catering & Other Vendors
– Background Checks
– Site Surveys
Examining Security As You Plan Your Event:
Each time you prepare to plan a special event DPSG would like you to ask yourself – What are my contingency plans if something goes wrong? Play the “what if” game.
“We had DPSG look into our afterhours venues and found one had a history of assaults happening in and around the property. Fortunately, we were able to alter our site location without incident and no one ever knew. ”
We know from experience that it is impossible to predict every possible issue that can arise, and we don’t even recommend preparation based on fear or worry. But what we do know is that many variables and risks can be eliminated through thoughtful and careful examination of your special event plans.
Details get overlooked by non-professionals. DPSG has the depth to examine all facets of your transportation, accommodations, locations and venues, conduct personnel screenings, and background checks.
Our concierge security service is the finest in our region. We supply the operators necessary to protect your events from outside and inside. We do the advance work needed and follow-up during events to make sure all protocols are being observed. Seemingly minor details can lead to disaster if not addressed. DPSG knows what to look for in behavior, attitude, and background to remove threats before they become a problem for your presenters, executives and guests.
As we move from planning to implementation, be aware we may alter items as needed to conform to environmental concerns and personnel. Security planning and execution have components that require fluid reactions. Ours are based on knowledge, ability to read situations, and the experience in removing people from danger before it manifests.
Before you settle on locations, vendors, and other items for your special event, consult with DPSG to do a basic review. We can help you avoid problems before they occur, and we can implant security measures inherently as part of your event plans.
Maintaining Confidentiality:
Our private investigators handle a wide range of high profile security cases. Contact DPSG in Charlotte, North Carolina to conduct evaluations and provide security relating to:
- Live Events
- Corporate Espionage
- Executive & Dignitary Protection
- Stalkers
- Residential and Commercial Properties
- Personal Security
Protecting Our Clients:
We also provide investigative services. We are experts in conducting background checks, criminal defense, subject tracking, surveillance and more.